[Project] Fault Detection: Motor Stall

The compressor in my heat pump seized up thursday morning last week. I heard a weird noise when I woke up, checked Sense, and saw this. The red is a normal heat pump signature; the green is the compressor trying to start, pulling ~5kw, then stopping, and trying again (for the next 2hrs) until I turned the system off.

The Motor Stall feature in Labs did not alert me, the Labs Voltage chart is 10days behind so I can’t see that graph for this time period yet.

I sent support an email about this and they told me motor stall alerts aren’t a thing.

@JuliaAtSense can you let us know if motor stalls are working, or if we’re supposed to get alerts?
And if the voltage graphs (in labs) are ever going to update in a reasonable amount of time?