I want to share here that my power issues - the severe ones I had last year that destroyed electronics, caused minor electrocutions on unpowered circuits, and were theoretically a fire hazard - have been solved entirely.
I want to share this here because it was only possible with Sense. Multiple electricians and the power company could not find the issue. People were starting to think I was making it up. The data from sense was the only useful clue and only useful evidence. It’s truly invaluable for that, and I am recommending all my neighbors with mysterious power issues get sense purely for this feature. It should get primary status, not merely “labs” status.
I say that last bit because it never actually gave me a push notification or anything like it when I was having 1000x events per month. I needed to navigate to the power quality route to get the indication.
Honestly I think sense should market it to associations and annoyed homeowners just for the power quality functionality.