Sense vs. Ecobee: Round II

Well, cooling season is almost over and I decided to do one more monthly correlation analysis between my Ecobee’s hourly cooling runtimes and the power consumed by various Sense AC detections, AC, AC1 and AC2. FurnaceDown and FurnaceUp are hourly power used by the smarplugs monitoring each of my furnaces (mostly the furnace blower used by AC during the summer). Remember that I reset my Sense unit to ground zero in April, then put in new AC compressor units in mid-July. It’s interesting how the detections sort themselves out at the end of the cooling season.

Here’s the story for downstairs…

  • No detections for AC in April
  • Two AC detection in May, AC and AC2 - “AC” is most closely associated with the downstairs compressor
  • New compressors in July upset the status quo. A new detection, AC3, aligns with the downstairs compressor and correlation continues to grow over time.
AC                 NA
AC2                NA
AC3                NA
FurnaceUp          NA
FurnaceDown        NA

FurnaceDown  0.96457804
AC           0.40228237
FurnaceUp    0.38490212
AC2         -0.02461567
AC3                  NA

FurnaceDown 0.9923947
FurnaceUp   0.6044697
AC          0.3183210
AC2         0.2872561
AC3                NA

FurnaceDown 0.98625399
AC3         0.56490245
FurnaceUp   0.51139072
AC2         0.32950875
AC          0.06935545

FurnaceDown 0.9939775
AC3         0.7953435
FurnaceUp   0.6062248
AC2         0.1969622
AC          0.1884249

FurnaceDown 0.98889843
AC3         0.95784466
FurnaceUp   0.39951440
AC2         0.36528948
AC          0.01010691

Here’s the story for upstairs…

  • No detections for AC in April
  • Two AC detections in May, AC and AC2 - “AC” correlates very closely with the upstairs compressor runtimes. Why was AC2 even created in the first place ???
  • New compressors in July upset the status quo. A new detection, AC3, aligns with the upstairs compressor initially, but eventually lonely AC2 muscles in and correlates best with upstairs.
AC           0.9791817
FurnaceUp    0.9769824
FurnaceDown -0.1541840
AC2                 NA
AC3                 NA

AC           0.99412114
FurnaceUp    0.97723727
FurnaceDown  0.14122794
AC2         -0.02226503
AC3                  NA

FurnaceUp   0.9892451
AC          0.6702095
FurnaceDown 0.5909811
AC2         0.1680601
AC3                NA

FurnaceUp   0.9850746
AC3         0.5987115
FurnaceDown 0.5123134
AC2         0.3918143
AC          0.1948437

FurnaceUp   0.9980361
FurnaceDown 0.6066122
AC3         0.5671459
AC2         0.4513146
AC          0.1011073

FurnaceUp   0.9990777
AC2         0.8910393
FurnaceDown 0.4199229
AC3         0.4070204
AC          0.2234853

I keep promising myself that I’ll delete AC to help improve things, but I kind of want to see if it goes away on it’s own. If I look at the amount of energy that was ascribed to each detection on a monthly basis, I can see AC is on a downward trend, but hasn’t found a route to disappear yet.

    Month      AC     AC2     AC3
1 2019-04  24.005   0.000   0.000
2 2019-05  84.903   0.596   0.000
3 2019-06 314.848  48.725   0.000
4 2019-07  44.516 151.708 260.085
5 2019-08  12.921 215.626 399.085
6 2019-09  16.744 125.794  61.367