Smart plug options/exact model numbers

Many of you may have noted the newly-supported (and new) KP115 TP-link/Kasa Smartplug. (way backordered here in the US at the moment). It works well, similar to a “single plug” KS300, and (unlike Wemo) it powers on to the same state it had before an outage.

Of course, it still has the current Sense-side issues of not being able to “migrate” it (retaining previous device history) from one real device to another, particularly if using it for a previously undetected device.

I have had Sense for around a year. The only thing that it identifies correctly is things plugged into smart plugs. As far as everything else they fall under lights, devices, refrigerators or heats. Today I have 9 “heats”, 6 devices, 5 refrigerators and two lights. One light was on 56 times within an hour.

I simply find expensive and impractical to populate my home with endless smart plugs to collect anything useful.

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I got a KP115, HS300, and a Wemo Insight. Kasa are way better.

Two main features for me:
Startup time, Kasa is like 5 seconds where Wemo is 2-3 minutes.
Physical power button, kawa has one, wemo does not.


Correction: Wemo does have a power button; however, I’ve phased out all my Wemo devices since they do not come back to the previous state after a power failure (they always “power-on” in the OFF state).

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