Summary of Sense Solar Accuracy Measurements vs Utilities

Here’s a quick overview of several Sense measurement comparisons vs. different utilities’ metering systems for solar. In all of these, Sense has proven to be quite accurate, though not necessarily at first. A number of them started out with large errors (the ones with the word “after” in their description), but eventually yielded very positive comparisons. If you are having trouble achieving similar accuracy, some of these examples might help you sort through your differences between Sense and your utility or inverter. Issues might include an inverter reading that overestimates you in-panel power delivery (very typical) or timebase differences for your inverse vs. Sense measurements.

Measured Accuracy URL
Within 1% of utility after aligning measurements Solar Production Comparison
Within 3% of SolarEdge inverter results SolarEdge vs Sense App
Within 4% of SolarEdge /How Accurate is Sense vs. Utility Metering? How Accurate is Sense vs. Utility Metering? - #12 by kevin1

If you want to try checking accuracy yourself, here are some tips and techniques.

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Can this post be pinned? It seems like we see posts like these a few times a month.

Hi @qrnef,
Thanks for your input. We can discuss with @JustinAtSense. Are you suggesting to pin permanently ? And where do you think it should be pinned - General Discussion of someplace else ? Just trying to think where it would be most useful.

I meant to pin it to the top of the forum like how “Sense New User Resources & Guides” and “New Sense User? New Member? START HERE” are. I don’t know if the view settings can be changed, but, for me with the defaults, those always show up at the top. Hopefully, if this were also there, people would check out this post before posting a new “how close is Sense to my bill” topic.