Time of use pricing

I’ve done a little experimentation, and for me, with my TOU rate schedule setup, a simple yearlong grid, that doesn’t take into account separate weekends/holidays and winter/summer rates, isn’t any more accurate for estimating costs than simply using a single fixed cost based on the average blended cost for an entire year.

Of course it’s pretty straightforward to build a simple grid table, as you describe, in Excel, then use it as a VLOOKUP table to calculate hourly costs. Then you can use a Pivot Table to summarize. I have attached a .xml version of an Excel file that shows this (right now, I can’t post .xlsx file on the forum).

Just open the file using Excel and take a look.

  • The Sense tab is essentially your Sense downloaded data. In my example, I stripped out all the other devices except Total Usage, but you could do this exercise and see costs for every identified device in your house. Notice the formula’s in the Pricing, Elect Cost, and Hourly Cost columns. The are the magic that pulls the data from the grid into this usage-focused spreadsheet.

  • The Grid tab is essentially your simple grid for every day, with the pricing tag, plus cost for each of the 24 hours in a day. I simply entered @franklyn 's summer weekday grid.

  • The Summary tab shows the Pivot Table mostly followup of costs. The key is setting up the Pivot Table fields correctly to get the summary you want. If you had included all the devices (not just Total Usage) in your computation you would add Device Name to the Pivot Table columns.


Give it a try - it might help you. But if you really do need a more complex grid, then the job becomes harder.

1-hour data from Jan 01, 2019 to Jan 01, 2020.xml (1.0 MB)

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