Need a little help understanding the data export from the web

Nice work… A few thoughts - When I use pivot tables with Sense exported data, I tend to do a few things differently:

  • Export for the the whole year, sometimes in days and sometimes in hours depending on my needs. Don’t rely on the export to break up over time - do that in the pivot table.
  • Spread the devices over the columns so I can see device totals for each column
  • Or filter for a single device / Total Consumption in the Pivot Table filter.
  • Use the adjustable period capability in the Pivot Table to either sum power usage for days months or years, or over a customized billing period.

You can also use computed row values with hourly data and a lookup table table to add things like time of use (ToU) costing and calculations.

You are right, that Average Power based on the entire period vs. runtime isn’t that useful. It’s essentially the same as the energy data, though sometimes it will have more significant digits.
And yes, the ’ before negative values is a bug and needs to be fix. Let folks know at