@Dan.C , @demiller9, thanks for your insights. Seems like both of you have traced disconnects (not limited in some cases to KP115s) to router issues. @demiller9, thanks for kicking off this whole investigation and @drjb for suggesting experiments. I’m going to try to summarize results for Kasa smart plugs so far.
Sense doesn’t differentiate between “Off” and “disconnected” in output value of the data (0 in all cases). So users seeing data “dropouts” to zero could be experiencing any one of the issues below.
Different possible scenarios for a perceived disconnect (zero value data) below, can be further diagnosed from the smart plug’s indicators in the Devices list:
A Real Disconnect
Button shows “n/a” - likely networking problem. Could be anything from WiFi issues, router issues, too many smart plugs or an unpowered smartplug.
Smart Plug turned off
Botton shows “off” - No surprise here, the smart plug is turned off.
Smart Plug / Sense combo sees “zero” power
Button shows “on”, but icon is greyed out and there is no power reading. Power has fallen below Sense’s threshold for “off”, 0.5W (may change in the future).
Working On Behavior
You can compare to a smart plug’s working “on” behavior below.