I’m planning the eventual migration away from an oil boiler to a likely combination of solar + geothermal + heat pump + large thermal storage tank. Unfossilized Renewable Dream Home.
We have 20 (modestly sized) high temperature (180F) radiators in our circa 1940s converted 1870-ish barn that I see no reason to bypass or replace since the plumbing is all OK and done in the days when copper was likely better than today. The “in wall” radiators would also be expensive and disruptive to change. To me the heating system in this house is best left alone, maintained until failure or until something appropriate comes along. If Vattenfall’s heat pump were available in the US I would probably be making plans to change the boiler sooner rather than later.
Anyway, through a combination of having higher renovation priorities (removing wallpaper & plastering!) and laziness I haven’t installed an oil tank level gizmo (yet). The oil delivery company does a pretty good job of estimating consumption on HDD (Heating Degree Days) and prior usage so they get auto-deliveries into the 330 gallon tank at just about the right time.
In March 2021 I decided to put a Flex DCM on the whole boiler circuit, which includes the oil pump, burner and exhaust and 2 circulation pumps, one for the “single zone” loop through all the radiators and the other for a small domestic hot water tank.
The system is controlled by a Nest v3.6 thermostat with 2 remote (Nest) sensors.
OK, to the data.
Nest data is somewhat infuriating (yes, I should use ecobee) and the real meat is only available via Takeout. Even then, parsing it is pretty frustrating.
I’m using HDD data from NOAA but eventually will incorporate a Purple that needs to be installed on the North side of the house. Hyper local weather obviously ideal.
First things first I want to check if Sense and Nest correlate.
I would call that correlation!
But wait, before I go further, this leaves me somewhat confused due to the times when the boiler is on to heat domestic-use water (let’s call that hot water) vs for the radiators (I’ll call that hot glycol even though the percentage of glycol is very low). “NEST ON” is pretty much unrelated to hot water demand since it’s only separately activating for hot glycol demand. Hot water demand meanwhile triggers the boiler to run and so the Sense kWh are accumulating for that day, in heating season. The data here excludes NEST ON = 0. Can heating pros tell me what’s going on? Is hot water usage really that small relative to the hot glycol load? 1% perhaps? Can that data be extracted?
I’m assuming that by parsing the Summer data when all boiler activity is for hot water I can see a baseline of Sense kWhrs. My guess is that the cooincident glycol heating and hot water usage outweighs the infrequent separate heating for hot water only. The more inefficient the system the more linear the response??
I’ll post the HDD charts after I resolve the hot water vs hot glycol vs Sense usage.