VESync Smart Plug Integration

I realize this is a bit dated, but saw notifications on the replies and thought I’d circle back around. I stumbled upon this Gem a few weeks ago ->. SenseLink - TP-Link Smart Plug Emulation - #44 by enbickar

It is not plug and play, but if you’re already using Home Assistant it’s a super simple 10 minute process to get this running and allows you to emulate TP-Link HS110’s from any entity in Home Assistant. Also offers cool MQTT integration for other devices and I’m eyeing some of the Shelly monitors right now for some of my 240v larger amp circuits that Sense still can’t figure out (pool equipment, car, etc)

Using the Home Assistant VeSync integration, I’m pulling power data off those plugs and direct to Sense, works awesome, and the plugs are super cheap, usually less than $10 each, sometimes as low as $7 on sale. far better than the premium HS110’s are going for now, if you can find them at all.

If you’re looking to do something similar, here are the links - they have a normal and now a slim form factor - I have both and they work flawlessly here:

Normal Size →
Compact Size →

Hope that helps someone as much as it’s helped me!

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