What is normal usage?

Could you please start publishing studies?
Total usage per state / city
Seasonality of usage
What should water heater usage look like? (I really want to know)
Always on averages
Does warm house make refrigerator run more
Consumer data on brands and models

I don’t know if you can integrate other data…
Track increase usage as a storm rolls thru
New construction or old construction more efficient?

Please use your data science chops, or open the data (anonymized) for our consumption.


Old thread but here is what normal water heater use looks like for 40 gallon electric with a family of 4

OkCupid had an awesome blog based on data from users. A similar blog from sense would be awesome. It would also be great to show a breakdown of information from users with interactive charts (e.g., the distribution of run time for refrigerators)

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Sense has or has a survey going on for hot water recirculation systems. I would say that they have a ton of good information about water heaters from the study but only from those of us recirculating.
I’m hoping they release the results sometime.