Wow @kevin1, that’s pretty impressive… My experience is the exact opposite…
Almost nothing in my home was detected over a 6-12 month period. I had various components of my refrigerator detected as separate components (lights, defroster, compressor), I had a coffee maker detected that keeps getting triggered by my hot water kettle, air fryer and toaster oven. I had my microwave detected, and a television. Other than that, my detections have been pretty underwhelming.
I ended up just blowing a mint on a bunch of Kasa smart plugs (well, a “mint” is clearly an exaggeration, but the total cost was a lot more of an investment than I originally planned for my Sense Energy Monitoring set-up)… I think I have about 15 of these things scattered around my house now. And to be honest, I love it… The appliance isolation and the certainty of the energy tracking is well worth it… Plus, I have control over how I track energy. As an example, I really don’t care how much my monitor, notebook computer and phone use separately (more on that in a moment). I am more interested in how much my home office is consuming as a group. So I attach a smart plug to a power strip and use that to connect my home office stuff to it. Viola! I have visibility to my home office consumption!
I will use the smart plugs to isolate individual appliance energy draws like monitors and computers, but it’s usually a short term need for me to see what the draw looks like and once I understand it, I start to group things in to the groups I care about. Example: my living room home entertainment system, my wife’s computer desk, my work home office, etc… And, of course, there are a bunch of single device smart plugs that I have deployed as well.
Maybe I was too impatient and jumped to smart plugs too quickly. Maybe if I waited for a few years, I would get the better detection coverage. But I felt like I gave it 6-12 months, and the results were underwhelming. And now that I have the flexibility of intelligently grouping stuff together for a more macro view of my energy usage, I really would not go back anyway.
Let me be clear…this is NOT a knock on the Sense Energy Monitor. I am a fan. But appliance detection just didn’t work for me. Fortunately I have found a workaround that is even better than if the detection worked in my opinion…