being a new user to sense and wanting this product to be the very best it can be, I read through some of the rants about device detection… trying to develop my own expectations of the product is difficult when I don’t know where my equipment and operation lies with relation to everyone else, both people that have had success and those that haven’t… so that leads me to a wishful thought…
- wifi signal strength
- AC line noise/quality
both of these outputs are already being monitored in some fashion, since I’ve heard that support staff can look through data and report to client that lines are too noisy or wifi signal is too weak… so from a customer/client point of view, why not tell me up front and before I have to be at the point of aggravation and unload my thoughts on support staff… you could make it a simple 4-part scale poor/fair/good/excellent or a %… the figures could be put on the sense monitor details pages (settings - home - sense monitor)… wifi signal with the wifi card and AC line noise/quality with the signals card… this would give each customer/client a gauge by which they could monitor the quality of their setup and create better expectations inline with what they have to work with…
if these were live readings/values, one could even use it to diag or even improve their setup… all by taking a load off support staff and reducing the amount of “bad press”… I know from my point of view, my analytical mind is trying to determine the status of my setup… the sense monitor is not likely to have the same wifi chip that is in my phone or tablet (since both are dual band and sense is not) to judge wifi signal by… and my electrical meters don’t give me AC line noise/quality…
but the sense monitor already has that info… I just need to see it…
I didn’t see this on the wish list already, sorry if its already being addressed or if this is a duplicate…