After you reach $1 , the Usage table prices rounds up or down to the next whole dollar. I like this clean appearance, but can there be a switch for more granular cost measurements?
I modify my appliances, for example my water heater, and I’d like to see the impact on a daily basis. With a family of 8, there is no daily routine or predictability.
I know I can watch the kWh, but I’d like to know when my water heater costs me $2 one day, was it really $1.55 or $1.65?
If it shows $1… was it really $1.45?
This may sound lame, but for 7 months, I’ve not been able to embrace kWh alone. As I talk to people who don’t track power, they can’t speak kWhs.
–a very special, authentic wish from MachoDrone…
For me, with TOU and tiered pricing, the $ amount is so far removed from the actual (there can be a 3x differential from lowest to highest incremental pricing), that any decimal points are just false precision But understand why people might want.
I’ll give you a detailed answer - yes and no. Reasonable at an aggregate multi-month level. Maybe OK at monthly level. Not so great for looking at spot usage costs. Here’s a comparison of my monthly PG&E billings vs. Sense results using your “effective flat rate” approach.
A NEM (net energy) cost based on my energy use net of my solar production. I actually don’t pay most of this part of my bill until a true-up payment in Dec. This part comes from my main power company and included the cost of power transmission, distribution plus tiered costs to encourage conservation.
A PCE component which is the actually cost of energy production - I have a different supplier than my main power company that delivers 100% renewable electricity.
My power billing month does not align with calendar months and in fact can move around start/end dates by 3-4 days within a month. That explains the difference in kWh between Sense and my power company usage readings. My net readings are within 1% of Sense on a daily measurement basis. Until Sense reports monthly data according to my variable billing cycle, comparisons are really hard vs. my power company.
But if I ignore that obvious source of discrepancy, Sense estimates some months well and some months far less well.