Data Science runs into extremely unique waveforms frequently, and this was probably one of the prettiest I’ve seen. I had no idea what it could be until we heard back from the user.
If you guess the device from the waveform correctly, I’ll go ahead and send you over a Kasa HS-300 Smart Strip.
To keep people from just suggesting every device they can think of, please try to keep it to under 5 guesses per person.
Good luck .
Update: We have a winner! @matthew_lasorsa correctly guessed an air compressor.
A bidet toilet seat? Air pump on an adjustable mattress like the Sleep Number types? Heated blanket or mattress pad? Admittedly ~1300 Watts seems high for either of these, but I’m not sure what else would be seeing use as 4am… Electric space heater?
Haha @Edison517, I admire your dedication here. I had to add a rule limiting the number of guesses so people don’t just go item-by-item through their device list
Several of you have also mentioned the fact that this is on at 3:46AM. I would recommend looking past that, as the time it turns on is irrelevant in this case.
It is definitely user triggered (unless I’m unaware of some automation capabilities that exist). What i meant is it’s not something that runs automatically/intermittently throughout the evening.