(3/4/21) | Guess the device waveform, win a KASA HS-300 smart strip

Data Science runs into extremely unique waveforms frequently, and this was probably one of the prettiest I’ve seen. I had no idea what it could be until we heard back from the user.

If you guess the device from the waveform correctly, I’ll go ahead and send you over a Kasa HS-300 Smart Strip.

To keep people from just suggesting every device they can think of, please try to keep it to under 5 guesses per person.

Good luck :slight_smile: .

Update: We have a winner! @matthew_lasorsa correctly guessed an air compressor.


My guess it is some type of device that you would use on sore muscles or back massager.

My guess is a large siren, like the city uses for weather (tornado) alerts.

Is it an electric/heated coffee mug (Ember)? or an electric toothbrush?

A soldering iron? Infrared heater?

A Sous vide / Immersion cooker?

Good guesses, but no ones close yet. The one hint i’ll give is that the first spike that occurs looks like a motor start-up to me :slight_smile: .

Is it a Tesla?
A sewing machine?

1200W for 1 to 2 minutes with a few second bursts of energy. Maybe a microwave oven ? But at 3:46 AM ? Motor is the fan/diffuser starting up.

Is it a Lawnmower?

Nothing yet, but we’re getting closer now that guesses have moved outside of kitchen appliances

A bidet toilet seat? Air pump on an adjustable mattress like the Sleep Number types? Heated blanket or mattress pad? Admittedly ~1300 Watts seems high for either of these, but I’m not sure what else would be seeing use as 4am… Electric space heater?

Whole house fan or central AC fan.

A clothes dryer

A whole-house vacuum cleaner?
A house-battery backup system / battery?
A water-conditioning system/pump?
A house alarm panel going off?

Haha @Edison517, I admire your dedication here. I had to add a rule limiting the number of guesses so people don’t just go item-by-item through their device list :slight_smile:

Several of you have also mentioned the fact that this is on at 3:46AM. I would recommend looking past that, as the time it turns on is irrelevant in this case.

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So it isn’t user triggered? :grinning:

It is definitely user triggered (unless I’m unaware of some automation capabilities that exist). What i meant is it’s not something that runs automatically/intermittently throughout the evening.

fair enough, I’m curious what it ends up being!

A breaker/hammer drill?