9 devices detected in first month!

I just got my first monthly report and wanted to share a data point of how many devices can be correctly detected in the first month.

3 different devices ended up being merged into my dishwasher.

I ended up deleting one of the Heat 1s, Light 1 - 3 and Device 1 since I couldn’t track them down and it was really bugging me to see these “random” things turning on and off. Not sure if that was the correct thing to do, but we’ll see. While poking around at the API I saw that the devices are all still actually there, just not visible to me in the app anymore.

In the beginning, it wasn’t always correctly reporting when things were turning on and off but it’s been getting better. I try to hit the “Report a problem: This isn’t on” when applicable. My furnace in particular misses a lot of “on” cycles, but there isn’t a way to say: “This isn’t off”.

Also, some stuff was just reported as “Motor 1” and it was up to me to figure out it was the motor in the ice dispenser after some detective work with the notifications.

Anyways, just thought I’d share some data. Now to keep working on bringing down my usage values…


Ramon… A super-stellar beginning! You probably have a fair amount of standard devices.

However, I’d suggest reserving “deletions” for specific occasions - such as the associated device is no longer in use.

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Thanks, invoice. Just today Heat 1 and Light 1 were detected again. I recognized the same waveforms from last time. This time I was able to determine that Light 1 was actually my wife’s wax warmer. Heat 1 is still a mystery. I’ll keep it around a bit longer this time and wait and see.


Your rock-solid device confirmation of detected devices are essential! Try not to give up and delete them. Also, this is a good time to document any important information about each device…

For example, Among other things… I’ve tracked which side (left/right) of the Power Main the device draws it power.

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