A trends pie chart of devices

@obscuredtrip I recognize this doesn’t accommodate your request, but I figured I’d share that you can do this manually with the help of the Data Export tool in the web app (home.sense.com).

  1. Select the given time frame from on the Trends page, export a .csv of data
  2. Drop the data into a Google Sheets document (remove the first row with the description text)
  3. Open Google Data Studio and select your Google Sheet spreadsheet from Step 2 as the data source
  4. Select a “Pie Chart” from the available chart options in the top-right of the screen
  5. For Dimension, select “Name”. For Metric, select “Avg. Wattage”
  6. “Add a filter” to exclude the “Name” “Total Usage” from the graph

Below is what you’d see using my house as an example.