Make Web App and Android/iOS App More Consistent - Esp. Device Power Meters

On the web site, looking at usage trends shows very nice bar graphs with lines showing the scale so that you can see with pretty good accuracy how much was used on that day and at the bottom of the graph it states how much was used during the entire period shown on the graph. But in the android app the trends page is almost useless because there are no lines showing the scale and no totals for the period. It should not be hard to correct that shortcoming of the android add.

On the other hand, in the android app it is possible to see the meter for a device while that is still not possible on the web site. Why not?

And as many have noted, neither place lets you see the meter for “other” devices. I know that well over 90% of my other usage is for the heat pump that is still not recognized and I would very much like to see how it is cycling but that is much more difficult when looking at the meter for the grand total.


Agree that the web app and Android/iOS apps need to be converged more. Would love to see the Power Meters for individual devices added into the web app. Still the screen real estate on PC and a phone are vastly different so I’m not expecting exact duplication and layout.

Two things:

  • Unless you disagree, I’m going to rename your Wishlist Item “Make Web App and Android/iOS App More Consistent”. There may already be a similar wishlist item in the long list, so we might also merge so that we can aggregate the number of likes/votes for this request.

  • Both “Always On” and “Other” are “manufactured” data, so I’m not sure a Power Meter display is appropriate for either of those since the Power Meter stands a fair chance of conveying false information. Why ? "Always On is calculated on a 48 hour basis so sudden changes in Always On won’t even be visible. “Other” is the remains when your subtract “Always On” plus the predicted usage from detected devices and exact data from smart plug devices. You notice that “Other” has lots of room for being “incorrect” due to the “Always On” and predicted nature of the detected usage. So showing either fo those via a second-by-second power meter would be just a bunch of false accuracy.

You can read how “Always On” is computed here:

Renaming is fine – I just hope that when you make them more similar you can keep the advantages of each!

Now I understand why a power meter of other would be unrealistic. However the same goal would be achieved if there were a power meter for the combined amount of always on and other – the total of everything that has not been identified. That would enable me to see how my heat pump is cycling.

David4… Agree… I support… Been trying to get a handle on the amount of kWh been using daily. Rather then bring my desktop every time to get readings, tring my Android… When I go to Trends/Usage/Day and swipe through the days… I get the same kWh reading under the Day… 5,2,5,2,5,2 and so on… Should be 15 to 20. When I bring up the desktop app. I get what I want to think is accurate. 15 to 20 kWh and different values for each day. Not the same alternating data. Not sure what’s going on, But I have to apply a lot of common sense… Gerry

Could you grab some screenshots of the differences you’re seeing? I’m not sure that I fully understand what you mean by “I get the same kWh reading under the Day…5,2,5,2,5,2”

You can see period totals on the mobile app by tapping and holding on any bar in the graph. For example, if I navigate to Week, I can tap and hold on any bar to see the total for a given day.

Mobile is much more limited in real estate, so some UI differences are necessary.

Thanks Ryan. I did not realize that pointing at a trend bar could show the amount. But grid lines would still be helpful

I agree that at least 1 more labeled horizontal grid line in the iOS app for the Usage bar charts would be helpful.

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I’ll second that one - a half screen marker would be nice…

Here are my screen shots… under the label ‘DAY’ you will see either 2 or 5 kWh and below the bars you will see the day of the week… The 2 and 5 kWh is inaccurate. Thank You… Later…Gerry


These bar graphs can be confusing. When you click on “day” it shows you a bar for each hour of the day. If the bar reached all the way to the top of the chart that would mean that the usage during that hour was 2kwh or 5 kwh depending on the day. Most of your bars show much less than 1 kwh used during that hour.

If instead, you click on “week” or “month” then you will see a series of bars, one for each day in the week or month. The label will show the amount if the bar went all the way to the top of the chart. You can easily see which days are big and which are small but my complaint was that because of the absence of any gridlines it was hard to tell exactly how much was used in that day. If, for example, the full scale is 50 kwh and bars are somewhere near the middle you can’t really tell if the number is 20 or 25. Then Ryan explained that if you hold your finger on one of the bars for a second, a little box will appear at the top of the bar telling you what the usage was for the day.

Does that make sense?

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Yep it does… Sorry ‘I must be out to lunch’… Hi… You are right. I was looking for the total of/for the ‘period’. Thinking that was it for the …Day, Week… Etc…Sorry Gerry