Auto combine loop?

So I had a Kasa plug that was used for grow lights (vegetable seed starting), that I renamed “Dehumidifier storage room” In sense, it’s still named “grow lights” in the Kasa app, (I know I should have renamed it there instead) and use it for a dehumidifier that was natively detected (2 years ago) but not totally accurate. I told Sense “Dehumidifier storage room” was plugged into “Dehumidifier Storage Room” (the plug).
A week or so later I get a notification that Sense discovered a new device and named it “Dehumidifier Storage Room”, which I thought was really weird. Sense can only guess it’s a dehumidifier…

Now I’m getting constant notifications (2 differently worded ones) as pictured below.
Any idea what’s going on here?
Seems like it’s stuck in some sort of loop between the Native, Sense plug name and Kasa app plug name.
Almost as if Sense is trying to merge the plug with itself…
The other confusing thing is that I now have a device called “Grow Lights” and another device called “Dehumidifier Storage Room” with different timelines. BOTH show the SAME MAC address (Sense, Settings → Device details)… So Somehow Sense Discovered the SAME Kasa smart plug twice…
@JamesDrewAtSense PM’ed you…