@glencsutton, at least for my Tesla SolarEdge setup, you can’t swap the Sense solar CTs over to DCM usage without affecting the behavior my Sense, since Sense uses the Solar CTs to build Total Usage. Move the Sense solar CTs to DCM and Total Usage only gives net usage and goes negative much of the time. You can’t use the Tesla data to fill for this Sense internal usage of the solar data.
ps: I actually bought a second Sense to do just DCM, so I have that Sense behaving the way yours likely would if you did this. I had to go through the whole solar setup process on the second Sense first, because the second Sense would make it through setup / signal check when seeing negative Total Usage. Once through solar setup, I could move the CTs and redo setup as DCM, but only after I had Sense support disable the solar option.