This summer I replaced my aging oil furnace and exterior A/C with a new Carrier heat pump system. The installers removed my aged A/C unit that had been running but producing little cooling.
My Sense had discovered the old A/C and I had verified it. That was further proven the day after it was removed, when Sense stopped reporting activity. I then renamed it Old A/C. That was on July 10th. However, has not yet found my new Carrier heat pump.
Then the other day I get this email from Sense:
What’s up with that? I had named it myself, and it had not been on for over a month. When I looked at it via the Check it out link, it wouldn’t let me change the name back! Fortunately, when I found it in my Devices, I was able to rename it again, and Sense has since left it alone.
Thanks for your experience (BTW - I can’t see the jpeg - maybe the link was edited so it doesn’t act as a like anymore, just text). Your experience kind of verifies some of the guidance @MaheshAtSense gives on detecting AC units.
Unless you delete the device, the old AC model hangs out associated with your house, and similar looking on-signatures might trigger the old model instead of encouraging Sense to come up with a new model. I replaced my AC units but kept the old device around. Seems like it is confusing Sense a bit.