Decided to DATA reset

I too am with you guys. I just had to have support step in and fix my fighting device detections. I do NOT have my original devices all back, and I was waiting for that to stabilize before adding the TP-Link device detection back in.

With the TOUCHING that support did today I’ll have to wait a while to see what that did to my detected devices. Pretty much only sure about the fridge and the dryer. But winter is coming so we’ll start running electric blankets and space heaters, so I look forward to more devices, and hopefully as I crest two months things will be getting more stable.

I’m at a point that I regret the reset. I’ve got most of my original devices back and a couple new one’s but they are all less reliable. Of the dozen heat detections, any appliance could land in any one of the detections.
This seems to be getting worse as time goes on. I’m having devices that are a totally different wattage do this. A stove burner using 800 watts will show up under the space heater that is 1500 watts. Sense is seeing all my 120 heat devices as the same.

That sounds like a potentially propagated/propagating error that you should contact Support about.

I can imagine that tweaks to the resistive heating device detection could have thrown things off. It seems like the time when Sense’s development (tweak) focus would prioritize such devices … or simply that a bunch of resistive devices are waking up after Summer and challenging the ML all over again.

The cycles of life with Sense.

I’ve just been trying to be patient and using the device is not on button when I catch it acting like this. I don’t think it has anything to do with change of season because it’s our 120 everyday devices mostly. Things like a toaster, steamer and iron. Appliances we use most everyday.
Although the stovetop has been involved some, the other 240 devices have not.

I’m totally guessing but you hinted at my point here.
It’s not, potentially, about just your devices as such … the Sense-wide dataset is what is referenced for the pattern matching that takes place during detection. The algorithm that makes those matches could have been tweaked.

Seems like your patience and method is the way to go but it might help to make Support aware nevertheless.

I followed your advice @ixu and contacted support a few minutes ago. While doing so, I ran into a bug that I just finished posting in beta.

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