Detecting Electric Vehicle (EV) devices

Thanks! I’ll take a look.

Thanks, but that blog is soo old… My bolt hasn’t been detected yet…over a year……How long must we wait……I’ve been patient and quite understand the AI of your technology….but surely, if you do have emphasis on it, there should be something by now……

@jimauger , not my technology so I can’t say. I’m just a user. I do know that EV charging ramps vary widely with different makes and models, plus with charging level (L1 vs L2). And charging ramps can also change with car software updates as well. Hard problem.

How/with what EVSE equipment are you charging your bolt?
Mine was detected within 2 weeks and although it is not 100% correct with the actual amount of kWh indicated, in general it is a real good indication.

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My Bolt also hasn’t been detected, bought it over a year ago. Using the OEM Level 1 charger the car came with.

Same as you , not detected, and using Level 1…

Hi, I have Tesla Model x 75d 2017 and my sense still can’t identify/find the tesla charger. Im using the oem mobile connector and charge at 35A regularly and its been a year since i got my sense monitor. Is there anything i can do to make my tesla recognized by sense?

An interesting week of EV detection. Sense (top) did a pretty good job with both the Model S P75D and the Model 3 LR. Compared to data from the charger (bottom) Sense missed one Model S charging on the 22nd, then apparently picked up a phantom charging on the 23rd (I’m going to investigate).

Sense nailed the Model 3 chargings with both native detection and DCM (of course).

Hi, there, just wanted to check on this topic again. Really hoping Sense has some updates soon so the Sense device can identify EV charging more easily as this is something most EV owners want to know.

Hi @jsflewelling - At this time, I have no update from our team on EV’s.

Thanks for checking. Frustrating that they can’t even say yes, we’re working on it or no, we aren’t working on it. I had a direct email exchange earlier this summer with someone at Sense and he indicated that something was in the works and that hopefully by end of the year there would be an update. I understand companies don’t want to over promise but really disappointing that they can’t even provide anything of substance.

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I have Tesla Model Y Long Range and charge the vehicle even now and than and the Sense can’t seem to identify that, this is very disappointing. It would be great if I could looking in my device graf click on it and get a Question if I recognize this device among the list that I provided and pick the right device from my list which I provided.

User “training” has been a continuous request since day 1 with Sense. Several other companies, including one called Neurio, had similar capabilities to Sense but went with user training approach. All of those companies are essentially out of business because the training approach did not work. Sense has maintained the “no training” approach with hybrid enhancements (smart plugs, DCM, Hue and Ecobee integrations) and prevailed.

It found my Chevrolet Volt, but still not my Nissan Leaf.

Any luck on the Ioniq? I’ve just picked one up and have an Emporia EVSE.

Is it safe to go out on a limb and say a custom detection model for Rivian is not on the near term roadmap?

Isn’t it weird that EV’s are one of the largest electric consumers in a home and you would imagine Sense would make an extra effort to get those recognized.

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Well, since integration is what’s keeping them in business then they should looking to do more of that but not even that they are doing.

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I have a Ford Lightning that is not recongnized by sense. Is it possible to add to the list? Can assist with any info you may need.

Isn’t amazing that one of the largest electrical users in modern homes is not detected ?
Has been brought up countless times.
No feedback about it at all, let alone when.
If you would have 10 customers they could setup monitoring for that to recognize the signature and get it recognized with all customers.
I would define that as low hanging fruit.

Oh well…

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