Device Detection Testing My Patience

Have you entered your home inventory in Sense. I ask that because that’s where I got a better picture of what was left for Sense to find.

  • Electronics - not likely, except for some TVs via NDI
  • Motors - AC motors yes. DC motors or variable speed (electronically controlled) motors, not likely.
  • Microwaves - old school transformer based, yes. Inverter-based, not likely
  • Big heating elements (stove, water heater, floor heater, dryer) - relay controlled, yes. Electronically controlled, not likely. Some might get conflated.
  • EV chargers - depends. Uses somewhat custom detection per car.

I have found that most of the devices that fit the ‘yes’ profile above, have eventually been natively detected in my house, including a few that had originally been on HS110s (Furnaces).

Just some pointers on how to narrow your mental list and set your expectations. Once you have weeded down your list to the remaining undetected candidates, it might be useful to see if Sense tags the on and off signatures in the live power meter. That power value tag kind of indicates the signature fits within Sense’s tagging window. Tag examples below.

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