Absolutely. And when I look at the waveforms (I still have things like a Philips oscilloscope, left over from my electronic engineer days), I see both constantly changing amplitude AND constantly changing frequency of the amplitude changes…it’s a three phase synchronous motor…that’s how these devices are designed to work. Visually, it’s VERY distinctive (Sense engineering spotted it within minutes when I filed a support ticket and requested it be escalated), but apparently because of the way Sense analyzes power waveforms, it can’t handle such “noise”. And, since our geothermal provides heat, hot water, and A/C, it runs pretty frequently year round.
It doesn’t make it impossible for Sense to find other devices, but definitely interferes with the accuracy/repeatability of those it does find and makes it difficult to find most of our devices. It also apparently makes it impossible for Sense to detect the pump itself, despite it being a fairly large portion of my peak consumption.
So, my only hope now is finding a device that can monitor the 220v line into the pump controller and provide data on the power consumption…like an HS110, but for in-line 220v wiring, or like a Kill-a-watt with a data interface. If anyone knows of such a device, I’d love to hear about it.
I installed a whole house monitoring system, for on/off, temperatures, and some power consumption (www.welserver.com) when we built and I can monitor much of the house from anywhere in the world. I added solar monitoring to that when we installed the panels four years ago. Sense was supposed to fill in the device by device monitoring, particular for large consumers, but it hasn’t fulfilled that. I have 158 power consumers at last count, and frankly don’t care about things like lights (100% LED anyway), cell chargers, shavers, garage door openers, etc. I was hoping to be able to get accurate data on things like the geothermal, mini-ducting, ERV, well, washer/dryer, cooktop/ovens, etc.