Disappointed in device discovery

I believe I can visualize the same thing you see with your pump that I do with a few 120 appliances. I have a fudge, washing machine and I think dishwasher also, that all have inverter driven motors. These were supposed to be hard to detect but mine are all detected and reliable.

@andy, If I read correctly, you don’t have the Sense Solar monitoring your solar right?

You could get some usable info by getting the additional solar CTs and putting those on the pump.
You could at least break out the actual usage and see the “noise” at good logged resolution.
Likewise, you could switch the solar CTs over to the mini-split or other devices to see what’s going on with those.
I know that’s a “tinkerers” solution but any feedback to Support might prove useful and accelerate the learning.

In your situation I think I would get another Sense and dedicate the Main CTs on that to the pump and use the Solar CTs for the mini-split. That’s essentially the arrangement I have (for hot water & HVAC) and it works well. By my math, it’s the cheapest existing fully-logged high-res 208/240V monitor (when you account for it being able to monitor 2 circuits).

I do have Sense solar, monitoring our solar array. It works great, and much quicker response time than the welserver.


I just bought a cycle stop valve for my well pump, it’s not installed yet but I’m excited to see the difference on the on/off cycling of the pump.

June I had some issues with sand getting into irrigation valves, one day the pump cycled for 6 hours (160 on/off):

A day without irrigation 39 on/off:

Will be anxious to see the results.

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