Everyone here already has Sense, but maybe you’re looking for a second one? Or a gift for dad? Or, you know, a nice orange box to proudly display on your mantle
In celebration of Father’s Day, from now until June 16th, you can take $50 off Sense or Sense Solar via our site and Amazon. Use the code DAD50.
And, while you’re at it, check out these fun vids I got to shoot of the team. Lots of dads here at Sense and they have some great stories about using Sense in their homes.
Helicopter parenting aspects aside (c-a-r-e-f-u-l Dads), these are nice stories …
I particularly like Jonah’s kids’ response to the Sense Bubbles … though I thought it might be going in the direction of Jonah seeing his kids realize that the BIGGEST bubble was when the heat pump was on so he found them repeatedly turning the heat on to get the bubble back. Yay!
This makes me a little sad because I just got mine and installed it yesterday. That’s how life goes, I guess. It seems like a great enough product to support at full price.