Firmware Update: Version 1.14.2119

You will receive a firmware update overnight tonight at around 7:00A UTC.

Changes include:

  • Fixed Always On calculation to include smart plugs whose mains channel cannot be determined.
  • Fixed occasional off/on cycling of smart plug bubbles.
  • Added support for hardware version 2 of TP-Link HS110 smart plugs
  • Improved scanning for Wemo Insight smart plugs.
  • Removed spurious “Device turned on” events which occurred when the Sense monitor restarts or loads new device models.
  • Made improvements to monitor reboot process.

To check if you received the update, navigate to Settings > My Home > Sense Monitor. Your firmware version will be given under the Monitor card. Please note that firmware updates can be delayed in some instances. If you have not received the update after 48 hours, let me know.

Please PM me if you have any questions.