Missing very recent power meter data for devices using dedicated circuit monitoring

I’ve noticed an oddity with dedicated circuit monitoring. Specifically, whenever I try to view the power meter for a dedicated circuit device, there’s always a block of ~5-10 minutes that incorrectly shows up as 0W.

Thanks for writing in. This is a known issue but is not specifically related to Dedicated Circuit Monitoring. You’ll likely see the same issue for any devices that have been merged or smart plug/dedicated circuit devices that have superseded a previously detected device. We’re investigating and hope to have a fix together soon.

I don’t know if this is a related issue or not but my recent activity when I am under “now” has the most recent thing being from yesterday afternoon. It’s been that way for a few days.

I’m having the same issue which just started today after months of not happening. It is only on my two dedicated circuts (both). Have there been any fixes?

Possibly resolved by removing merged devices on both circuts. Fingers crossed.

Keep us posted on this @quietminded - maybe check back in a day or two and see if you’re still seeing the same behavior (or if it resolves itself.)

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Still seeing a gap like in the original post by “kelchm”
When I view the power meter on my two dedicated circuts, the most recent 5-15 minutes are not showing, then begin to fill in (leaving that gap).

My gaps are pretty consistently 5-15 minutes and only on my two dedicated circuts. When I refresh the power meter on those devices / circuts the gaps do fill in, but leave the most recent 5-15 minutes blank(@0). Then begin showing power again with a new gap.

I have tried unmerging devices on those circuts, resetting router and modem, and (resetting) turning the Sense monitor off and back on at the breaker.

Hey @quietminded - a couple questions for you:

  • What device are you on (iOS/Android)
  • What version of the app are you running?
  • Do we have permission to view your data?

Two iPads, two iPhones, web app
Most recent apps
Yes you definitely have my permission

and Thank you

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