New Stickers

Alright, here’s a money maker… wish for more stickers to be sold separately like the ones that come with the sense monitor. [:talking_house:]

It would be nice to have some of the newer device icons stickers for the dedicated circuits.

The major and most small appliances have dedicated circuits in my panel and I am in the process of relabeling it with an index, and putting my electrical blueprints one the wall by the panel. This leaves me plenty of space to include the device icons where applicable.

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Hey Russ. Do you just mean additional copies of the stickers that are already included with Sense, or brand new designs for different devices?

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I would like to see new designs for different devices personally.

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What sort of devices? I’ll pass the feedback on.

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Oops Ryan. sorry i missed your reply.

I would use the following as they are all dedicated circuits in my setup:

  • freezer

  • washing machine

  • electric range or stove

  • generic pumps, couple of these (sump, sewerage ejector)

  • generic heat (boiler)

  • generic pump, a few of these for seperate switch panel (circulators in hot water and heating)

  • though it was included originally, a second fridge (couple of these)

  • anything in the works for electronics. i have a dedicated isolate ground circuit for a rack of networking, nas, esx host etc.

  • anything in the works for generator or aux power (not solar, as that was already included).

  • also think it’s be cool if you guys had Nema 5-15 icon to match others. i would use that to indicate local receptacle on each panel.

as of right now i’m using the included

  • a/c
  • garage (indicate shutoff for subpanel)
  • fridge
  • dryer
  • diswasher
  • microwave

there may be others. just thought it’d be neat to purchase these separately as more are developed.

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OK I’ll admit it…I never got the point of those stickers and tossed 'em. So…what was the point of those stickers?

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Same here but I think they’re in the Sense box somewhere.

MachoDrone likes this idea. His Breaker Box will be going through major changes and eventually getting all new labels. Label maker makes most sense, but MachoDrone would buy stickers… He’s a sucker like that.