Thanks for the screenshots - enough to confirm what I thought earlier.
- First off, you’re in a relatively rare situation where you have high use devices, both on Flex Sensors / DCM that both have very substantial Always On components, and almost no dynamic power usage Now (per the numbers on the two SCV bubbles).
- I’m guessing from the numbers that you have at least one more device that has a very large Always On component since your two SCVs only account for about 4900W of Always On. I’m thinking there is probably another 2000-2400W of Always On stemming from another device.
- The reason your bubbles add up to more than current usage is pretty simple - the Always On usage for the SCV devices is being double counted. That is a current shortcoming of the current Sense accounting, but not such a big deal for most devices on smart plugs and DCM.
- So again, the Always On numbers aren’t wrong, but they are being double counted. I’m sure if you include the app Power Meter view of the SCV devices, it will be clear that they are almost entirely Always On, at least at the moment in time you captured.