I apologize is the is an answer to this, I searched but did not find
I’m using Windows 10 to access the Web App but something is
not allowing me to see anything except my devices. Although
I can view the device list, there is not any Data reporting. This
is only occurring on the web for me and iPhone app operates
as it should.
Screenshot tells the story
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I’m seeing the same thing this morning. Sense status webpage says all operations are normal, but it looks like some part of the web services backend isn’t working.
Here’s where to find status:
I am unable to get to the web app at all. Clearly they are having issues.
Just reported this to the team. I’ll post more when I know more.
As a simple workaround, you can navigate to Sense and log back in. It should work then. We believe we know what the issue is and are working to fix it.
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Yes, Log out then back in worked for me. Thanks!
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We’re deploying a fix shortly. Thanks for reporting this @samwooly1!!!
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A fix has been pushed out. You still may need to log out and back in again.