About this Forum
This is your Sense community. We created this as a place to connect with each other, share stories, ask questions, compare your Always on, and post screenshots of that unnamed device that runs for 6 seconds repeatedly in the middle of the night.
Before you post:
- Check the Knowledge Base. We have a deep library of documentation where your question may have already been answered.
- Check the Pinned topics. Most subforums have Pinned topics that might answer your question.
- Use the search! Check if your question has been answered before. Check for a relevant topic you can post in before starting a new topic. Topics will be merged with previous topics at moderator discretion.
- Check the category. Categories keep us all organized. Topics will be moved if they’re not in the correct category.
- If you have a bug or technical issue to report, please contact our technical support team at support@sense.com. While the Sense Community can provide technical help, it is not a true substitute for our knowledgeable Support staff.
Guidelines for the best community experience:
- Be respectful. Treat everyone with respect. Be kind. No name calling or otherwise inappropriate behavior. Criticize, but criticize constructively We’ll moderate the bad stuff when we see it. If you see something you think we should moderate, be sure to Flag it. Moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time.
- Stay relevant. Make sure your replies are productive and contribute to the conversation.
- Be descriptive. Include any relevant information in your question so you can get the most out of the community. Screenshots are encouraged!
- Be safe. A licensed and trusted electrician should be consulted as the final word for any installation advice and troubleshooting.
- Be honest. Give credit where credit is due.
- Don’t spam. There’s no need to cross-post the same content across multiple threads.
- Maintain privacy. Do not share private information about other members on this forum. Do not share private information from your Support tickets, including names and contact information of Support agents, or of other Sense employees.
- Share Your Solutions Occasionally you may post a problem and find your own solution before anyone else. In those cases, it is nice if you also post a followup that shares your solution. Odds are others will experience similar issues and will be grateful to find your solution.
How we use this information
We actively monitor this forum so that we can improve Sense. This includes new features, and improvements in hardware, installation, software, and device detection. We may investigate particular homes to better understand or resolve an issue that affects the Sense community. Users must log in using their Sense account details, so that their data can be cross-referenced with their home to troubleshoot possible technical issues.
Please note that this is not a customer support channel and for specific technical issues you should contact our customer support team at support@sense.com.
If your submission includes any product suggestion or new idea for implementation in a feature by Sense, you are agreeing that: (1) your submission and its contents will automatically become the licensed to and the property of Sense, without any compensation to you; (2) Sense may use, copy, modify, publish, or redistribute the submission and its contents for any purpose and in any way, including implementation in products or services; (3) there is no obligation for Sense to review the submission; and (4) there is no obligation for Sense or any of its employees to keep the submission confidential. If you do not want to grant to Sense the rights set out above, do not send your Submission to the Forum Site.
Regarding Wiser Energy Monitors from Schneider Electric, please note that this forum is specific to the Sense software and hardware only. For any inquiries related to the Wiser Energy Monitor, please contact wisersupport@sense.com.