So the fridge has auto defrost. This thing kicks on at irregular times. It wasn’t evident. 300Watts!
I put the KASA on my fridge, and when the 300 watts were on. I looked at the refrigerator, yep it usually is 100 watts, but it was drawing 300. So now, Heater 1 becomes something else. Or can I combine it with the fridge?
Yeah so what Sense found was a heater… It was the defrost cycle which heats. You can combine it with the refrigerator if you wish. I think most people keep them apart just so they can see the difference between the two different usage amounts, but combining them won’t hurt if you would rather see it that way. In the future if you change your mind you can separate the two out again.
Personally, I don’t have a single combination in Sense. I prefer to label them accordingly. But we are all different and I use other home automation systems to store the data from Sense. I can then manipulate that data to see aggregate amounts however I wish.
All of this shows that we do not pay attention to some of the important things around us we need to. Just knowing what that 300watt heater is a big deal for me. It is the unknowns that really bug me.
The problem here, as I understand it, if you are using a SmartPlug on a fridge and Sense natively detects the defrost cycle, if you do NOT combine the 2 (or more), then the total energy is over estimated as the defrost cycle is counted twice. Natively and via Smartplug.