Just wanted to start out by thanking everyone at Sense for chasing down some of my bugs, and implementing the voltage reading fix a few weeks ago. Since getting caught back up, I was able to collect some readings over the past week to compare Sense numbers to those on my two meters.
Just going off of the daily summed data from Sense, over the past week my solar production came in at 154kwh, while my consumption came in at 183kwh. According to my meters, my solar production was 158kWh and my consumption was 189kwh. The error, for both, comes out at ~3%, which is approaching margin of error I think. It’s also good that the magnitude and direction are the same, i.e. it’s not like Sense is telling me I’m producing less than I’m actually producing, and using more than I’m actually using.
When I tediously went through the daily raw data from Sense, things weren’t much different: solar production at 153.6 and consumption at 183.1.
Soooo…where do we go from here? Howard mentioned this a while back, and as he was correct on the voltage issue I think he’s correct when he brought up having a correction factor that each individual user could enter to correct their raw data. In my case, I’d want to add 3% to both my solar production readings and consumption to better equate with what our electrical company is charging us. Hard to say who’s “righter” in this case, but in the end the power company is who’s in charge of billing
For that reason, my one request on the product wishlist is to be able to enter a correction factor for our hourly/daily data readings to be better in line with what our meters are telling us (presumably not everyone will be -3%). This will be important if we ever get some of the other things on the wishlist like being able to calculate costs and savings on a daily or monthly basis.
I’ll be content with the appliance discovery as it stands