Stopped detecting all power ? Also there a way to notify if it happens?

My Sense stopped detecting all power, from line and solar both. Wifi appeared to be working though, as my TPLink device reported as being there. See attached photos.

I turned off the power to Sense for 2 minutes and it appears, so far to be back. What the heck is that about?

And secondly, is there a way to have it send notification when this happens.

Same thing is happening on my end. First, the Power Meter had the wrong date and time. Tech. support seemed to correct, but now I have same problem as you.

@TechSupport, can I get a review of this situation please?

Hi all,

I’m sorry this is happening to you, but we are happy to investigate it. Can you confirm if you filed a ticket here:

This will be the best way for us to investigate and work to resolve this issue.
After you have filed a ticket, or if you have already, send me a private message and provide me with the email address and time you sent the ticket so I can review and escalate it.

Thanks again.


I did fill out the form, referencing this page for details

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Hi Jim,

Thanks for your reply and for letting me know you filed a ticket.

Just so you know, many of the support agents do not reference the community or necessarily see it. So if you are asked for some information you’re already posted here, that may be why. I apologize for this, but generally, when you need technical support, it must live in our ticketing management system, Zendesk. The community is designed more for you to talk to other Sense users and less for direct support.

Thanks for your understanding.