I discovered this morning that Sense displays no data from 730am yesterday to about the same time this morning. Yet I know it was sensing current as I checked it a few times during the day. Wifi was strong throughout the day as well, as I checked signal strength at the same time I checked what Sense was up to.
Is this a known bug? Can the data be recovered? How can I prevent this in the future?
I had that happen last week. At 11:30 at night, Sense just stopped. I discovered the problem the next morning and turned off the breaker supplying power to the unit and waited a few seconds and turned it back on. It took a few minutes but the unit began working again.
We have had no power outages during the time in question.
Since reporting the problem this morning, Sense has been sensing as displayed in "“now”, but it is not retaining a graph of usage, going clear back to 0730 hrs yesterday. I discovered this by looking back at usage and see no historical data between 0730 yesterday and about five minutes ago, when I most recently queried “now”.
What is going on? I hope this isn’t a common problem, or if it is, there will be a way to eliminate it?
This problem continues, and with the other deficiencies compared to our hopes for this technology, I’m pulling the plug. It especially is not right to deny users a phone support line to resolve issues like this one. For me, this technology needs to continue to progress to a higher level of usefulness compared to the status quo, and I don’t have time for the frustration it presents us.
Sense, please do an RMA and instructions for return of the device for a full refund.
Cal Palmer
@calpalmer, if you’re having issues like this, you should contact support at support@sense.com.
I have with no reply. Rma please.
@calpalmer, I see that our support team member, Carleigh, responded to a couple of your tickets yesterday. If there another ticket you’re referring to that hasn’t been responded to? I recommend reaching back out to support about your issue and request for an RMA (our support team is in charge of that process). If you don’t get a response, let me know but they’ll best be able to help you with your issue and an RMA if need be.
Look, I searched high and low for a phone number to try to resolve this issue. I see reports in the forum of this type of problem going back to mid 2016. It persists unto today, at least for me. I went to support and sent an email concerning the data disappearing going back to Sunday morning. More broadly, the device detection and facility to assist (i.e., to alert your team when a known event can be named so as to have better intel in detection) and now this unreliability of the sense monitor being online – this really isn’t meeting my expectations. It’s telling that you don’t provide a phone number or at least a basis to call me.
Please, again, issue the RMA. I don’t have time to be part of a research and development effort. I’ll track your progress and perhaps join back on version 3 or whatever.
@calpalmer, we don’t have a phone support line but our support team would be more than happy to help you get set up with an RMA. I’ll have them reach out to you via email.
Your address is bouncing emails.
AGAIIN: Look, I searched high and low for a phone number to try to resolve this issue. I see reports in the forum of this type of problem going back to mid 2016. It persists unto today, at least for me. I went to support and sent an email concerning the data disappearing going back to Sunday morning. More broadly, the device detection and facility to assist (i.e., to alert your team when a known event can be named so as to have better intel in detection) and now this unreliability of the sense monitor being online – this really isn’t meeting my expectations. It’s telling that you don’t provide a phone number or at least a basis to call me.
Please, again, issue the RMA. I don’t have time to be part of a research and development effort. I’ll track your progress and perhaps join back on version 3 or whatever.
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An improvement suggestion would be to not automatically post a user’s email reply to Ben in the forum. I assumed those were two-way private emails, and so I allowed my frustration to show through. I’m not sure that benefits anyone on the forum, but whatever you want to do, fine with me. Just send the RMA. Thanks, Cal