The King of Always On

Usage History: I’m within the lower 10% of energy utilization in both Average Watts and Always On, compared to Sense users, within the state of Ohio .

Standard Smart Home: Ranch with full basement (3k sqft living space), built April 2016, 3 bedroom, 3 baths. Gas appliances (Furnace, Water Heater, Oven, Dryer)

Primary Occupants: 2-Adults (Husband & non-working Spouse)

Sense Installation Date: January 2, 2018

  1. Jan 2019 - (Average 692 watts) (Always On 163 watts)
  2. Feb 2019 - (Average 521 watts) (Always On 101 watts)
  3. Mar 2019 - (Average 471 watts) (Always On 95 watts)
  4. Apr 2019 - (Average 397 watts) (Always On 98 watts)
  5. May 2019 - (Average 382 watts) (Always On 100 watts)