Two months in, my experience

I have a Samsung RF28JBEDBSR/AA and it was detected pretty early in my first setup (which has since been reset). Help identifying a pulsing "Device 1"

I have since done a couple resets and it was detected again with more accurate wattage the second time but I’m on reset number 3 and it hasn’t been detected with almost a month in so I’m not holding my breath. Previously it had been detected within 3 days. A mini-fridge and stand-alone freezer with a more traditional “Fridge signature” have been detected already.

I think in some cases, the order of device detection can make a difference. An existing device detection that gets conflated with other devices can interfere with accurately detecting a new device. Just a theory.

Don’t forget! They power up into the same state they were in when power was lost. There is a slight delay to turn back on when power is restored if they were in the “on” state.