The subject line of this thread is a question: Why does it constantly rename my TV? I’ll hazard a guess at the answer to this question:
When they implemented support for multiple languages in software version 42, it appears that the developers included a lookup table of translations for select common appliances. See my post What's new in v42 (iOS, Android, Web) - #2 by jefflayman for an example with Fridge. Below is the device tile for my TV when I have my mobile device set to Spanish.
Note that in the device name, TV becomes Televisor in Spanish. On the other hand, the second part Monitor doesn’t change. This is actually expected because the word “monitor” is written in Spanish exactly the same as in English, although the pronunciation of the word does change. This is background information because it was the clue for my hypothesis which follows.
The lookup table of common appliance names probably has several rows. I’m guessing there are rows for going from English to Spanish, and also rows for going from Spanish back to English. French is probably similar, although I have not tested that. The row for going from English to Spanish probably lists “TV” on the English side and “Televisor/monitor” on the Spanish side. Then there is probably another row to go back which has “TV/Monitor” on the English side.
Something must cause the app to access the lookup tables from time to time. When it finishes that, the device ends up being renamed with the round-trip translation, which does not match the original name.