(3/4/21) | Guess the device waveform, win a KASA HS-300 smart strip

Is there a way to organize the Community Device Library by waveform shape? I know that this library has recently been updated to categorize devices by wattage ranges.

What got me thinking about this was a recent post, Unidentified spikes when pump is running. A user requested help identifying his mystery device and shared a waveform. He ended up identifying the device all by himself since none of us knew. I wonder if a knowledge dump from Data Science and/or the community might have given us the resources to help in such situations.

Maybe the number of waveform shapes is just too high to categorize, or maybe our language doesn’t have words to categorize waveform shapes. Then again, we won’t know if we don’t try! There is an essay on the Sense website about electric vehicle waveforms. I don’t recall essays specifically about the about key waveform features of motor devices or heat devices, but they might be there. What other categories come to mind?