A/C and Pool Heat Pump - House and Irrigation Pumps

General Device detection question issue.

I have had Sense for well over a year. And I know that it takes a long time for device detection and I have been patient. However…

We have a Pentair Pool heat pump. Sense picks up the pool heat pump AND our A/C unit as the same device. The A/C unit and pool heat pump are different makes and models.

Also, it picks up our house water pump and our irrigation pump as the same device. The pumps are different makes and models as well,

Again, I know I must be patient. And I have been. But really?

Should I delete the devices and let Sense start anew? Just the ones Sense is picking up incorrectly? The A/C, pool heat pump, and both pumps?

Come on, SENSE! Time to experiment with a BETA version and allow users to name their devices when WE KNOW what is on and what is not!






Hi @bob4 - It sounds like there is some device conflation occurring. Although these are different makes and models, I’m guessing that the running wattage and patterns are very close to one another (which would be causing the conflation.)

I have personally deleted a few devices that had some inconsistencies in detection, and Sense was able to redetect both with slightly better accuracy after a few additional weeks (note: your mileage may vary here). You can also reach out to support@sense.com - since they have visibility into your monitor, they can provide more specific feedback on what your next steps should be here.

As mentioned in the 2021 Data Science Update video, we’re currently beta testing some improvements to the back-end algorithm of how Sense manages detected devices. This should help device detection for users, especially users that have had Sense for an extended period of time.

To clarify, this update will not allow users to manually enter devices into the Sense app, and this is not a solution we’re interested in pursuing for a variety of reasons that we’ve discussed elsewhere in the forums and in blogs.

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