Better Energy Usage Timeline/Logging

It would be helpful to see on the timeline how much energy was consumed by a device in a given period. I have included an attachment showing what I’m suggesting.

Regarding the actual device page itself, I think it would be awesome to be able to tap a usage page, or create a drop down arrow that would let us see a log of when the item was active like from this date and time to this date and time and how much energy was consumed during that period. This would be helpful in identifying usage as well as tracking down what a mystery device may be.


Thanks for the suggestions Ethan! Timelines at the device level are something we’re looking at adding to help track down mystery devices and usage.

In terms of usage on the timeline, you can view more granular info on a specific device by clicking that Trends graph in the device details view and selecting ‘Day’ as the timeframe. That being said, the timeline is another place that may be helpful to have usage info and is something that we’ll definitely consider.

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