Changing the breaker Sense is attached to?

Good Afternoon All,

I will be rearranging some of the breakers in my box over the next few days and wanted to put Sense on a separate breaker. Will changing the breaker Sense is attached to effect the data gathered and device detection?



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Moving the power shouldn’t have any effect, however, if you move the CT’s there may be some minor effect, although negligible.

I would be very careful to make sure that the wires attach to the same busbars they are currently attached to otherwise you may really screw up detection.


[quote=“Howard, post:3, topic:776, full:true”]
I would be very careful to make sure that the wires attach to the same busbars they are currently attached to otherwise you may really screw up detection.[/quote]

I forgot about this. Absolutely correct! The black and red power wires must each be connected to the same phase as they were previously on.

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Just as Howard & Ira said, make sure that the wires are reconnected to the same phases of the panel to avoid any issues with device detection.

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