Changing Wifi Network

I am in the process of updating my home network to a complete Unifi system. I had been using my same SSID for years to avoid updating IOT devices but the password was very weak. I figured now was the time to update it.

I want to give credit to Sense developers for making it so EASY to change the network!!

So many devices are so difficult to make changes to the wifi network including having to do complete factory resets (Damn you Kasa smart plugs).


Welcome to the Unifi club! I have a UDM and I know quite a people on here use Unifi gear. It’s a natural extension from geeking out about your home energy data to geeking out about your home networking. And if you haven’t noticed, there’s even a Sense icon available for the client device!

Totally hear you on the frustrations of updating network credentials on many IoT devices. If you have a lot of them, it can be a multi-hour process! I went through it some months back when I got my UDM and then had to do it all over again after I got an additional AP for it :exploding_head:

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May I ask how one actually changes the WiFi network in Sense? So far I’m not seeing it in settings, Sense’s FAQ’s don’t address it, and searching for terms like “change WiFi network” in this forum only yield your post or ones that are not relevant. You said it was easy, so I’m looking forward to that realization as well. Thanks very much.

Go to Settings > My Home > Sense Monitor. There’s a Network Connection panel there. Click on the current Network. That will give you the setup procedure to change networks. You can’t just select a different network and provide a password, though. Sense changes the network setup via Bluetooth, so you’ll need to be physically close to the Sense monitor.

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My experience changing the SSID on my Sense monitor has been terrible compared to yours. At least it’s not a factory reset, because you can’t actually factory reset the monitor without losing all your cloud data.

I have been trying for several days now to change my SSID, without success. I had to rebuild my original SSID to be able to reconnect to the Sense monitor, because the Bluetooth discovery process is not working. You can see how it finds the device, but gets stuck.

App Version 2024.4.2-a8e6a95ff
OS: iOS 17.5.1

2024-06-02 12:37:15: StartOptionalSetupViewController
2024-06-02 12:37:20: ConnectBluetoothViewController
2024-06-02 12:37:20: Starting scan for monitors
2024-06-02 12:37:20: Stopping scan for monitors
2024-06-02 12:37:22: Starting scan for monitors
2024-06-02 12:37:22: centralManagerDidUpdateState: CBManagerState(rawValue: 5)
2024-06-02 12:37:23: Discovered peripheral (identifier: XXXXXXXXXXXX)
2024-06-02 12:37:26: Peripheral connected
2024-06-02 12:37:52: Timed out for step:scanForMonitors
2024-06-02 12:37:52: Stopping scan for monitors
2024-06-02 12:37:52: CantFindSenseViewController

(I masked the identifier).

Now you are left waiting until someone reads my email and asks me to turn off my breakers, and my phone, and here we go again…