This isn’t a “Why isn’t my EV being detected?” thread. I’ve only owned my Bolt for 2 weeks and it’s charging on the 120v OEM EVSE. For daily commuting, charging at 8A from my garage will top me off. I only need to add about 20 - 25 miles of range each night and I can typically get that after about 6ish hours of charging.
But, right now the circuit I’m charging on is not dedicated (which is why I’m charging at 8A and not 12A) so at a minimum I want to get an electrician to run a dedicated circuit for the car. And if I’m going to get that done anyway, might as well make it 240V.
At this point, I might just continue to use the OEM level 1 charger because it supports 240v. I’d just need an adapter and I could charge at 240v and 12a which would give me almost 2.9kW of power. Even if my battery were completely empty I could charge to full in a little under 24 hours.
So first question. From what I can tell, the HS110 (which I currently have my Bolt plugged into) is rated to support 240v, but what I haven’t been able to determine is if I use an adapter, if the US version supports 240v or just the European version. Does anyone know the specifics on this?
Second question. If I do decide to get a level 2 charger than can charge at higher amps, is there anything in particular I should look for to make sure Sense will eventually detect the car? Are certain amperages more likely to be detected than others?