I haven’t, and didn’t find any API info on their site.
I haven’t either, but I just sent them this email:
I have 19 Currant Smart Outlets (8 Wi-Fi, 11 Bluetooth-only) and really like them. But I desperately wanted a way to monitor hard-wired devices like my heating system, central A/C units, air-source heat pump (aka mini-split), dishwasher, and range hood. After some searching, I discovered the Sense Energy Monitor (
https://sense.com) and purchased one, and it works pretty well – its AI has discovered 11 devices in a month and is still discovering more (I hope). I then began reading articles on the Sense community pages and found one that describes how to integrate Sense with TP-Link Kasa and Wemo energy-monitoring smart outlets and power strips (https://community.sense.com/t/how-to-use-sense-with-wemo-and-kasa-smart-plugs). I have since purchased 5 of the Kasa HS300 Smart Power Strips, and the Sense integration works really well. I wondered why Sense did not have an integration with the Currant Smart Outlets and found that others wondered the same thing (https://community.sense.com/t/currant-smart-plug-integration).
So, does Currant have an exposed real-time reporting interface, like Kasa and Wemo do? If so, where is that documented? If not, would Currant be willing to work with Sense to allow an integration with their app? I think that would be a smart thing for Currant to do (in terms of increasing your customer base), especially since many of us believe that the Currant app and hardware is superior to that of other brands of
energy-monitoring smart outlets.
I’ll post their reply (if I ever get one).
I second that completely, as I did that on accident… Now I know better.