Device detected but never turned on

I have a device that was detected for my monitor. Initially I was trying to figure out what it was and was unable to find any data. I thiught this may have been transient issue with data or the application.

Now even after several weeks I see the same, in the last year (8months that I owned sense) the device never turned on.

False detection. Delete it!

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Deleting a device that’s detected has little effect. A couple weeks later the same devices come back, since SENSE uses historic information to perform detections :smiley:

OP’s device is a year old and has no data. It’s very unlikely it would be re-detected if deleted.

This is correct @pswired - I would expect that if the device were redetected, our model would be different (hopefully, more accurate) this time around.

Just got the following as a formal answer from the support ticket that I had created

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out!

I have been able to take a look into your device (‘Never turned on’) and noticed a few things. I can see that this device was detected on recently. When Sense detects a device, it will attempt to backfill historical data that pertains to that device. However, it appears that this backfilled data was not populated correctly and we apologize for the inconvenience. This backfilled usage was much too high and I have passed this along to our data science team so that we can prevent similar issues from arising in the future.

From this point forward, the usage data for your device (‘Never turned on’) should accurately reflect this device’s consumption. However, if you would like to remove the incorrect data, we would recommend deleting this device from the app. Unfortunately, we can’t remove this from our end. Given a bit of time, it should be rediscovered and will come back more accurately.

I hope this clears things up a bit. Please let me know if you have any further questions!


Sense Customer Support

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Thanks for the update here @sritodi - Support has access to back-end data so they can confirm what’s going on. Glad to hear this was resolved for you!

I have a Motor 1 and Pump (?) both of which show zero usage. I’ll reach out to support as well and then delete these devices once I hear back.

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Happened to me a few times. I just gave up on deleting them.

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