Be sure to report these in to Support. It’s logged as a bug and something we do intend to fix, but so far the impact seems pretty low compared to the effort required to build in an approval process. It’s not as simple as it sounds, unfortunately, and will require some significant level of resources.
It’s been reported to support, and they’re waiting on additional data before they can take any action.
This is one of those cases where the frustration factor caused by a false positive is likely to exceed the convenience factor provided by the feature in the first place. Very frustrating to have legitimate devices improperly combined.
Support took a look and reported it to the data science team. They were unable to separate the devices, so I just deleted the improperly combined device and will wait for my Nespresso machine to be detected again, I guess. Disappointing.
It’s a bummer when combine happens and is incorrect. All the combined devices I have had (quite a few) have all been wrong and I have deleted them. I do think this poses a problem with the device being detected again. I have not had all of them come back.
It makes me wonder that when we delete that we are telling sense “Don’t look at this anymore”
Oh my God… it happened again
Why why why?? Also… once again it didn’t actually combine them. I now have an Oven 2 and a water heater device in my device list. The device history for both is screwed up. Sense now thinks the water heater has been off for over a month and that Oven 2 only costs $13 per year. I’ll give it a little time to see if it actually works or properly back-fills the information, but it didn’t last time. I’ll probably end up having to delete both devices… again.
This auto-combining with no confirmation feature has got to go.
Happened to me last night. Furnace and sump pump have been working perfectly. It combined them. Hope it can be undone.
It found new parts of my mini split and merged but can’t be sure if didn’t merged something else with it at this point. It seems to have merged my coffee maker and dishwasher heater.
If you’re experiencing issues with auto-combination, please continue to report in to Support.
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