Integration with Home Assistant - Custom binary sensor component

Continuing the discussion from Integration for Home Automation:

I went ahead and built out my example of using Sense’s on/off detection to generate a voice announcement via Home Assistant. I wrote a simple custom component for Home Assistant (leveraging this Pyhton project), and it works!

For those who are familiar with Home Assistant, here’s the required config excerpt:

  - platform: sense
    email: !secret email
    password: !secret sense_password

This will generate a binary (on/off) sensor for each device in your device list (i.e. merged devices are a single sensor). You can then use the state transitions of these binary sensors to trigger automations, including calling a text-to-speech (TTS) service with whatever message you would like.

For those who are interested, here’s the code for the custom component:

Support for the Sense power monitor.

For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at

import datetime
import logging

import requests
import voluptuous as vol
from sense_energy import Senseable

from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.const import (CONF_NAME, CONF_EMAIL, CONF_PASSWORD,
                                STATE_ON, STATE_OFF)
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.util import Throttle
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv

REQUIREMENTS = ['sense_energy==0.3.1']

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60)

    vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string,
    vol.Required(CONF_EMAIL): cv.string,
    vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string

def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None):
    """Set up Sense device binary sensors."""
    sense_object = Senseable(config.get(CONF_EMAIL),
    device_details = sense_object.get_discovered_device_data()

    device_list = []
    for d in device_details:
        if d['tags']['DeviceListAllowed'] == 'true':

    add_devices([SenseBinarySensor(sense_object, d)
                 for d in device_list])

class SenseBinarySensor(Entity):
    """Implementation of a Sense binary sensor."""
    def __init__(self, sense_object, device_name):
        """Initialize the sensor."""
        self.device_name = device_name
        self.sense_object = sense_object
    def name(self):
        """Return the name of the sensor."""
        return self.device_name
    def state(self):
        """Return the state of the sensor."""
        if self.device_name in self.sense_object.active_devices:
            return STATE_ON
            return STATE_OFF

    def update(self):
        """Update sensor data."""

I’ll submit a pull request to have this merged into Home Assistant as a core component, but in the meantime please let me know if you find it useful.


All my IoT devices support IFTTT. Is there any advantages to using Home Assistant for basic on/off sensing instead of IFTTT?

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I haven’t used IFTTT a lot, but when I used it with my garage door I experienced a lot of lag. I also found it to be kind of a black box, which I didn’t like. There’s a lot more flexibility in Home Assistant beyond what IFTTT typically provides (e.g. there’s a Bayesian sensor for when you want to do if-this-then-maybe-that).

I’ve recently switched to Home Assistant from OpenHAB, and I’m really impressed with the platform. Not only are there more than 1,000 integrations available, it’s also pretty simple for someone with a basic understanding of Python to add their own as well.

I’m pretty into Home Assistant stuff right now, so feel free to fire away with any questions.


Awesome, I’ll use this the moment it gets merged.


This doesn’t seem to be merged yet, I assume you’re not running If you are, how are you successfully running a custom(ized) component?

I never bothered to merge mine in, but @enbickar recently added this functionality in. It looks like it’s been merged into 0.82: The updated documentation isn’t up yet, but it’s at Updated to include new devices configuration by kbickar · Pull Request #6983 · home-assistant/ · GitHub.

You’re correct, I don’t use, so I just loaded up the custom component in my Docker installation.